The accuracy of Cavlent's tools is higher compared to the psychological validity standards. It can be an effective solution in mapping modern individual profile and their behaviors, considering the tools is using a wide measurement range so it can provide a comprehensive and details analysis.
Cavlent's behavioral profiling has the ability to cover a holistic output through one time test (single entry) to analyze various behavioral and psychological aspects, presented in the various version of reports with each different purposes.
Through one time session in answering a set of questionnaires (approximately 15 - 30 minutes, no right or wrong answer, no mathematics / calculation), the TIC method is able to present a very close analytical data of modern individual profile. This is one of the strong and unique points offered by Cavlent compared to other profiling which generally will require you to answer different questionnaires to obtain various aspects of the analysis.
Cavlent uses the Theory of Analytical Psychology or Psychoanalysis of Carl Jung, which believes that individual behavior patterns are formed based on four main aspects as the basis of Behavioral Psychology.
If Jung's initial theory uses 4 aspects with 1 parameter item each, Cavlent extends the basis analysis based on Jung's theory (we also use the same 4 aspects) but more detailed by looking at total 13 items of parameter in human behavior patterns.
With more items used, Cavlent's analysis is able to get a deeper and comprehensive combinations of behavior that are closer to the actual individual profile.
The four aspects and each parameter items in Cavlent are:
Consists of 3 items individual behavior towards social interaction, measures the preference (comfort zone) while doing interaction, the needs of other people presence (social needs), and the openness level in welcoming people / befriend anyone.
Consists of 3 items individual behavior towards data and information, measures the point of view of information, data intensity requirement, and the preference in data development and processing.
Consists of 3 items individual behavior in decision making, measures the decision making principal, the initial drive before making a decision, and the preference in making final decision.
Consists of 4 items individual behavior in their daily lives, measures the behaviour in executing a task, the determination / fighting spirit, the persistence in holding the life principal, and the perfectionist level.
Although CAVLENT uses the same theory as other behavioral-based psychology tools, it has 5 significant differences.
Cavlent believes the pattern of human behavior as a complex and detailed entity with many elements that can be integrated to see millions of interrelated behavior varieties.
Cavlent's standpoint is not based on dichotomy (dichotomy is commonly used as a static system with rigid restrictions to objectify and generalize individual existence).
The Cavlent's tools presents Psychological Psychometrics in the form of range as the differentiation with other existing assessment system.
If Jung's initial theory uses 4 aspects with 1 parameter item each, Cavlent extends the basis analysis based on Jung's theory (we also use the same 4 aspects) but more detailed by looking at total 13 items of parameter in human behavior patterns.
Cavlent has the ability to identify modern human behavior according to the millennials era, which is highly exposed by the fast growth of internet and technology in the daily lives.